Wrestling with the religious harm around women in ministry

cartoon-like image of light-skinned woman with brown hair wearing a clergy collar and holding a Christian Bible

An episode particularly close to our hearts, this month, Paula and Jill discuss women in ministry from a variety of perspectives, which certainly include Jill's own as a Presbyterian pastor.  We discuss the Scriptures that raise the question of women serving in ministry leadership positions, both as vocational leaders and in lay leadership, the religious harm done both when women are seeking a vocation in ministry and for those who serve, the road rage of being told we don't take the Bible seriously, and some hopeful u-turns for those who are wrestling with their own journeys around this issue.  With thanksgiving for the many people of faith who helped to pave the way for women in ministry leadership positions and shoulders that Jill and other women in ministry stand on, we enthusiastically share our conversation about women in ministry.   We are grateful for our Roadies and the opportunity to be on this journey together!  

About 46 minutes into this episode, Jill mentions a clip from her favorite tv show, The West Wing with a particularly great example of biblical interpretation and hierarchy.  Check that clip out here. 

We would love to hear from you: your hopes and dreams for future episode topics, questions, Sacred Intersections in your life, and anything else you'd like to share with us. 


The Weaponization of Sin


One Year Later: Christian Nationalism is still religious harm