You might belong to a cult if…

Understanding the characteristics and religions harm of cults

After years of people erroneously assuming that Paula's research on religious abuse is focused on cults, we finally actually talk about cults! Jill and Paula break down the common characteristics of cults and what distinguishes cults from other religious organizations. 

Plus, Paula has a big announcement! She has opened the Center for Healing Religious Harm to provide counseling (to residents of North Carolina), consultation, and supervision services. The official website is still under construction, but you can get her contact information and check out one of her therapist profiles here.

Links to other resources mentioned in this episode:

International Cultic Studies Association

Link to last year's Holiday Stress episode we discuss in this episode is here.

We are grateful for our Roadies and the opportunity to be on this journey together!  We would love to hear from you: your hopes and dreams for future episode topics, questions, Sacred Intersections in your life, and anything else you'd like to share with us.  You can interact with us in lots of ways.


5 Great Moments from the first year of Sacred Intersections


Let’s talk about suicide…