Let’s talk about suicide…

Paula and Jill discuss the complicated theology, religious harm, and mental health issues around suicide. If you are having any thoughts of suicide, please know that, even though it may not feel this way right now, things can get better. Please stick around and give yourself a chance. We love you and believe that you are valuable.

Please reach out for help at one of the resources below or someone else you trust.

24 hour Suicide Hotline Information we discussed in the show: 1-800-273-8255

Suicide Hotline Information Texting Hotline (Text HOME to 741741 to connect with a Crisis Counselor)

UNC Chapel Hill Prioritizes Mental Health: CBS News Article

We are grateful for our Roadies and the opportunity to be on this journey together! We would love to hear from you: your hopes and dreams for future episode topics, questions, Sacred Intersections in your life, and anything else you'd like to share with us.


You might belong to a cult if…


Understanding Spiritual Bypass