Understanding Spiritual Bypass

with Dr. Craig Cashwell

It is an honor to welcome Dr. Craig Cashwell on the road with us this week to discuss the counseling and research he has done on the topic of Spiritual Bypass. Spiritual Bypass involves a focus on the spiritual elements of a situation to the point of excluding the psychological, cognitive, emotional, or other impacts from a situation. Craig, who is Paula's mentor and an expert on the topic of counseling and spirituality, guides a discussion about how Spiritual Bypass can be both a coping mechanism and an avoidance of importance work in the spiritual and mental health realms, as well as helpful strategies for counselors to address Spiritual Bypass in the therapeutic process. 

We are grateful for our Roadies and the opportunity to be on this journey together! We would love to hear from you: your hopes and dreams for future episode topics, questions, Sacred Intersections in your life, and anything else you'd like to share with us.


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